The cl-rttemplate is a read-time quotation system. Published in the public domain. It's a template system similar to the quasiquote & unquote facility, however, it operates during the read-time.
I've created this for a need to macroize the commonqt reader macros.
The asdf-installable package: cl-rttemplate.tar.gz
Enable the syntax by (cl-rttemplate:enable-syntax) or (rtt:enable-syntax).
Modify the readtable at yout will, for example: (setf (readtable-case rtt:*rt*) :preserve).
Simple symbol building:
#"'begin"(expt 3 8)"end"#
The lexical binding is available + an exhibition of the impact of *rt*:
(let ((outer-value '|Hello|)) #"'(a b " outer-value " \"" outer-value " world!\")"#)
(setf (readtable-case rtt:*rt*) :preserve) (let ((outer-value '|Hello|)) #"'(a b " outer-value " \"" outer-value " world!\")"#)
An example with #@:
#"'(a " #@'(b c d) " e)"#
#"(* " #0@(floor 100 7) " " #1@(floor 25 13) ")"#